Updated: April 28, 2023

The morning after Halloween isn’t always fun for everybody. While kids may be waking up with a belly ache from too much candy, some adults can barely open their eyes as they nurse a monster hangover from having had too many celebratory drinks. Learn all the different ways to cure a hangover with Our Menu

What are the best ways to deal with Binge Drinking Recovery? 

As we age, our bodies seem less and less capable of bouncing back from a night of hard partying, and Halloween hangovers can be especially inconvenient if it’s a weekday with chores to be done and jobs to get to.

# 1: Get An IV Therapy BEFORE Going Partying

The easiest way to avoid this situation is to drink in moderation of course. But if you know you’re going bar-crawling with friends or attending a party where you might overindulge, there are several tried-and-tested precautions you can take to make sure you don’t wake up with severe hangover symptoms the morning after:

Prepare your body to withstand a night of heavy drinking with IV therapyjust before you go out for the night. This is the best defense against an imminent hangover. The quick treatment, delivered intravenously, will fortify you with all the minerals and nutrients you need to avoid dehydration. You’ll be surprised by how `normal’ you’ll feel the morning after, just because you took this precaution.

# 2: Alternate Hard Drinks With Sprite

Chase your beverage of choice with a glass of Sprite. According to Chinese researchers, the lemony, carbonated drink helps the body to metabolize alcohol by speeding up the processing of ALDH, the main culprit of hangover symptoms.

# 3: Eat Honey

Honey neutralizes the harmful effects of alcohol with fructose, which competes with the metabolism of alcohol. Combining honey with ginger will also reduce nausea and vomiting in the aftermath of a night of drinking. 

# 4: Eat Pickled Cucumber

This is a natural hangover remedy that is very popular in Russia. Pickled cucumbers normalize sodium and water balance in the body and effectively soothes an upset stomach. 

# 5: Eat Umeboshi Plums

See if you can get your hands on these Japanese pickled plums. In Japanese traditions, they are considered the ultimate hangover cure. Scientists have found that eating Umeboshi plums helps the liver process excess alcohol and replenish the body’s exhausted store of electrolytes.

# 6: Use Aromatherapy

Prepare you bedroom with aromatherapy oils before you go out for the night. Diffuse these restorative scents in the air or apply to pressure points. Peppermint and Eucalyptus, for example, will relieve headaches. Ginger oil will help with nausea. Rosemary will increase cerebral blood flow and rebuild energy.

# 7: Eat A Bacon Sandwich

Breakfast the morning after on a bacon sandwich. Remember that it cannot be just bacon. Or any other sandwich. It has to be a combination of these two ingredients. When large volumes of alcohol have depleted brain neurotransmitters, bacon comes in with its protein-richness and amino acids to top these up and immediately make you feel better. Bread, the bad boy of carbs, happens to be a boon for hangovers as well as it is full of yeast which has plenty of vitamin B. Your liver needs the help of vitamin B to process all the alcohol you dumped on it last evening.