What Is Cryotherapy? These Are the Cold, Hard Facts

What Is Cryotherapy? These Are the Cold, Hard Facts

Cold therapy has been around for ages – think ice baths, ice packs, under eye cold treatments. Cryotherapy takes cold therapy to the next level, and is not just for athletes and fitness buffs.

Cryotherapy is a therapeutic technique that exposes your body to extreme cold. During a short two-to-three-and-a-half-minute session in a cryo-chamber, liquid nitrogen cools the air to subzero temperatures to stimulate your body, kickstarting its self-repair process. Unlike ice or an ice bath, the dry cold provides a cold, but comfortable feeling during the session. The cold, ambient air inside of the chamber is decreasing the skin temperature, rather than the body’s core temperatures, which stimulates the vagus nerve – the main nerves of your parasympathetic nervous system which controls specific body functions such as your digestion, heart rate and immune system.

It might seem improbable anyone would opt to put themselves through such a cold experience, but reported potential health benefits include aiding in injury recovery, minimizing muscle pain, joint pain, and chronic pain associated with medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and improving exercise recovery. A three-minute cryotherapy session may also provide a mood-boosting endorphin boost, as the oxygenated blood flows back into the body.

Whether or not cryotherapy is right for you, there are countless ways to optimize your health at Hydralive Therapy. We other services include IV Therapy, vitamin injections including B12 and Glutathione, compression therapy and hormone replacement therapy. Our medical staff is happy to answer any questions about our services.

Cryotherapy Treatment For Arthritis

Cryotherapy Treatment For Arthritis

Did you know that nearly 50 million people in the United States are affected by arthritis? [1] The pain associated with arthritis is chronic and, in some cases, only gets worse. We hear about the benefits of cryotherapy for athletes but you may not know the benefits for arthritis sufferers. [2] May is National Arthritis Awareness Month so we’re highlighting the benefits of cryotherapy for chronic arthritis. [3]

The term “arthritis” spans more than 100 joint inflammation diseases and conditions. For example, rheumatoid arthritis can cause debilitating pain and typically causes stiffness, swelling or aching. The cause of this disease ranges from genes to injury and the symptoms can build up over time or occur suddenly.

Cryotherapy is an effective means of pain and inflammation management, especially in the case of arthritis symptoms. [4] As a matter of fact, whole body cryotherapy was first used to treat rheumatoid arthritis discomfort and pain. [5] Doctors discovered that cryotherapy could release endorphins and minimize overall sensitivity to pain.

Arthritis pain is chronic and with one out of every five US adults affected by arthritis, it’s the most common disability in the country. Though there’s no cure, cryotherapy has proven to be an effective way to manage the disease. Want to find out more about how cryotherapy can benefit you? Learn more.

[1 https://www.arthritis.org/about-arthritis/
[2] http://blog.arthritis.org/news/arthritis-awareness-month/
[3] https://www.arthritis.org/living-with-arthritis/pain-management/chronic-pain/understand-chronic-pain.php
[4] https://www.painpathways.org/cryotherapy-for-pain/
[5] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4631852/