How IV Therapy Can Help With Hydration

How IV Therapy Can Help With Hydration

Updated: April 28, 2023

The Importance of Hydration During the Summer

Although it can be a little challenging to keep track of time right now, summer is right around the corner, and many people aren’t prepared. The extreme summer heat can have several potential side effects, which is why hydration is so important. In addition to doing your best to drink eight glasses of water daily, you can also add IV therapy to your wellness routine.

A majority of Americans do not drink enough water and live in a state of clinical dehydration, which can be particularly dangerous for anyone, particularly when the weather gets even warmer. IV therapy can be used not only to hydrate the system but also to make sure that you are getting enough electrolytes to keep you healthy. In addition to preventing dehydration, these IV treatments come with many other great benefits that will have you ready for summer.

Avoid Dehydration with IV Therapy

These benefits include immune-boosting properties, which is something everyone can use right now. Our IV hydration treatments are filled with vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes, which can give the immune system the extra boost it needs.

If you are planning on traveling this summer and are worried about dehydrating jet lag, IV infusions can help you recover quickly and get back to life as usual. They even work great when you overindulge at those summer parties. Plus, if you are looking for a healthy summer glow, you will find IV therapy can help give your skin a youthful, glowing look everyone craves this time of year—and help you look healthier from the inside out.

No matter what your summer plans hold, IV therapy can help you look and feel your best when the warm weather season rolls around. We other services include cryotherapy, vitamin injections including B12 and Glutathione, compression therapy and hormone replacement therapy. Our medical staff is happy to answer any questions about our services.

Athlete Recovery

Athlete Recovery

Every exercise enthusiast knows the importance of hydration. Runners, cyclists, swimmers, jumpers, throwers, divers, lifters—they’re always prepared with a water bottle or sports drink for a boost of fluids and electrolytes an hour or two before an intense practice or competition.

When you hydrate with water and sports drinks, your digestive system doesn’t absorb all of the fluids and nutrients. Your stomach might even bloat.

On the other hand, IV hydration therapy, bypasses the stomach and sends the fluids and nutrients directly through your bloodstream so they absorb faster and more effectively that you need for your best performance. After your event, come back to decrease your recovery time and promote muscle recovery with our collagen producing sodium ascorbate IV.

Our Beast Mode IV Cocktail (Athlete Prep and Recovery) will:

  • Replenish vitamins, electrolytes, and fluid lost during strenuous workouts
  • Increase energy
  • Improve mental focus
  • Decrease incidents of muscle spasms
  • Boost immune system
  • Aid in the synthesis of collagen (found in tendons and ligaments)
About Last Night: Facts about Hangovers

About Last Night: Facts about Hangovers

Ever wondered why the morning-after effects following a night of revelry really take the life out of you? The science behind why hangovers occur is still young, but here are a few facts you may not have known.

Symptoms & Signs

  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Increased sensitivity to light and sound
  • Redness of the eyes
  • Muscle aches
  • Thirst
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Tremor
  • Sweating
  • Mood disturbances including depression, anxiety, and irritability

Poorer Performance with a Hangover

  • Reduced focus
  • Decreased mental endurance
  • Decreased mechanical accuracy
  • Impaired abilities while operating machinery, high-pressure decision-making, and with mental math


  • Decreased ADH-Hormonal Secretion
  • 1L of fluid loss per 4 drinks
  • Excessive sweating
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Liver & Stomach Effects

  • Toxic to the lining of the stomach
  • Increases pancreatic and intestinal acid secretion
  • Can cause gastroenteritis
  • Can Causes build up of fat compounds in liver cells, aka “fatty liver”

Low Blood Sugar

  • Lactic acid build-up from alcohol breakdown causes low blood sugar
  • The brain is very sensitive to low sugar states this results in feelings of fatigue, weakness, and mood disturbances


  • Vasodilation of blood vessels in the brain
  • Changes levels of hormones such as histamines, serotonin, and prostaglandins
  • This results in throbbing headache

Interference with Sleep

  • Decreases the cycles of high quality, dream-state sleep, the kind that provides rest
  • Increases slow-wave, deep sleep
  • Causes snoring and sleep apnea, prolonged states of no breathing during sleep