Magnesium IV

Magnesium is an essential mineral that supports normal muscle, nerve, and immune system function. If you don’t get enough magnesium, you could experience a variety of adverse symptoms while facing a higher risk of stroke, diabetes, and osteoporosis.

Today, up to 30% of the American population has magnesium deficiency. One of the best ways to replenish this mineral’s stores in your body is a magnesium IV.

Hydralive Therapy® offers convenient IV options in its Alabama and Georgia clinics. While you are scheduling an appointment, let’s explore the importance of restoring magnesium levels in your body.  

What Is Magnesium? 

Magnesium plays a significant role in multiple biochemical reactions within the human body. You need it for:

  • Maintaining proper muscle and nerve function
  • Regulating blood sugar levels
  • Supporting immune system health
  • Ensuring proper production of energy and protein synthesis

Hypomagnesemia is magnesium deficiency that can occur for many reasons, including excessive alcohol consumption, taking certain medications, and living with diabetes. The early symptoms of this deficiency include:

  • Poor appetite
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness

If you don’t address the problem effectively, you can start experiencing muscle cramps, seizures, heart rhythm issues, and even personality changes. You could also be at a higher risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease, type 2 diabetes, and migraine.

What are the Benefits of Magnesium?

One of the main benefits of magnesium is its ability to support bone health. It works with other calcium and vitamin D minerals to maintain strong bones. It can also help regulate blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels and improving circulation. This can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Magnesium also supports your heart rhythm and plays a role in cardiovascular health. It helps regulate the contraction and relaxation of muscles, including the heart muscle. This allows you to maintain a steady heartbeat.

This mineral helps regulate neurotransmitters in the brain, which are associated with relaxation and happiness. Accordingly, it can be responsible for your mood and mental health.

Besides these key benefits, magnesium also plays a role in the following:

  • Supporting proper digestion
  • Relieving constipation
  • Reducing inflammation

Studies also show that magnesium can help prevent migraines.  

Can a Magnesium IV help with Anxiety?

Magnesium can help regulate overexcited neurotransmitters in your brain. When you feel nervous or anxious, these neurotransmitters start firing. The mineral can help switch these off and make you feel calmer if you have sufficient magnesium levels in the system.

Studies demonstrate that low magnesium levels could lead to higher anxiety levels. While more research needs to be done, some evidence points to magnesium supplements having the power to reduce anxiety symptoms. * 

*The FDA has not evaluated these statements. Vitamin supplementation is for wellness only and is not intended to cure or treat disease.

Why a Magnesium IV Could be More Beneficial 

A magnesium IV can be more effective than oral supplements because it allows for direct absorption of the mineral into the bloodstream. By bypassing the digestive system, magnesium has a better chance of maintaining its potency and helping you take full advantage of its benefits.

This is especially beneficial for people with digestive problems or swallowing pills. Meanwhile, magnesium IV therapy can provide a faster effect. This is useful when you need to address the symptoms of serious magnesium deficiency.

Book Magnesium IV Near You Today!

If you believe you have a magnesium deficiency, you may need to leverage a magnesium IV to alleviate the symptoms.

The clinical team at Hydralive Therapy can evaluate your symptoms and medical history and recommend the best IV regimen for your needs. Please contact us anytime to schedule an appointment at one of our Alabama or Georgia clinics.

If you have any questions about Hydralive Therapy, please feel free to Contact Us.