Compression therapy dates back thousands of years. Physicians in ancient Rome used it to treat injuries and help with muscle restoration for athletes and warriors. Over the centuries, compression therapy techniques advanced dramatically while scientists discovered new benefits.

At Hydralive Therapy®, you can take full advantage of compression therapy powered by NormaTec® Pulse Technology. By making compression therapy a part of your wellness or recovery program, you can reap its multiple benefits.

What Is Compression Therapy?

Compression therapy is a non-invasive treatment method involving applying controlled pressure to different body parts (usually extremities). Common types of compression therapy include:

  • Elastic bandages
  • Non-elastic bandages
  • Multicomponent bandage systems
  • Compression stockings

The most advanced compression therapy technology, such as the one used by Hydralive Therapy, involves placing the extremity in a compression unit. A qualified operator uses an electronic remote to control compressed air in the device to apply pressure and massage the limbs.

Who Is Compression Therapy For?

Compression therapy is a versatile treatment method that can benefit people of all ages dealing with various conditions. It is beneficial for those who experience the following:

  • Blood circulation issues
  • Swelling
  • Inflammation
  • Muscle fatigue
  • Limited range of motion in the extremities
  • Leg ulcers (common for people who live with diabetes)

By applying pressure to the affected areas, compression therapy aids in improving blood flow, reducing swelling, and preventing the pooling of blood in the veins. That’s why it can help people with various vein problems, such as varicose veins or deep vein thrombosis.

Compression therapy can also be great for people who are recovering from surgery or sports-related injuries. During treatment, they can enjoy better blood circulation to the affected area, which reduces inflammation and promotes healing.

Compression therapy can support your veins and reduce the risk of blood clots if your job involves sitting in front of the monitor for hours or demands frequent flying.

Compression Therapy and Its Benefits

Over the past decades, researchers have been finding more and more benefits of compression therapy, including:

  • Improved blood circulation – compression therapy stimulates the efficient flow of blood and lymphatic fluid. This helps enhance circulation by delivering oxygen and nutrients to your tissues.
  • Reduced swelling and inflammation – by putting pressure on the affected area, compression therapy helps reduce swelling and inflammation. It’s been shown to help our customers who have swelling from conditions caused by the buildup of lymph fluids.
  • Enhanced muscle recovery – compression therapy promotes healing by supporting injured or strained muscles. The increased blood flow and swelling reduction can speed up the recovery and improve the overall rehabilitation process.
  • Blood clot prevention – for people who may be susceptible to developing blood clots (sedentary lifestyle, vein issues), compression therapy can help keep blood from pooling and reduce the clot risk.
  • Better athletic performance – athletes and active individuals can use compression therapy to enhance their performance. Therapy can provide support to muscles, improve recovery, and reduce soreness.

The latest technologies allow compression therapy to help you stay in tune with your body. The pressure on your skin activates receptors that communicate with your brain. This enables you to become more aware of your limbs and muscles.

Hydralive Therapy Offers Compression Therapy for Your Needs

Compression therapy has multiple benefits, some of which can pleasantly surprise you. Even if you don’t actively lead a sedentary lifestyle or exercise, you can still take full advantage of the technique to improve your quality of life.

The clinical team at Hydralive Therapy can set up a convenient therapy schedule and make the process comfortable and highly effective. Book an appointment at one of our Alabama or Georgia locations today to start reaping the benefits!


Image Credits: Salov Evgeniy/ shutterstock