Welcome to the IV League

The wellness franchise with a healthy future. We have wellness in the bag!

What is the initial investment?
The total minimum investment is $245,150 – $417,150


What are the financial requirements to qualify to become a Hydralive franchisee?
To qualify, franchisee candidates must have a $250,000 net worth and $100,000 in liqudity.

How long will it take me to open my clinic?
From the signed financial agreement, development will take 6 to 9 months. Note, this is a baseline. Motivated franchisees can reduce this timeline by expediting the lease process, design comments, and construction decisions.

Do I have to be an owner/operator?

No, you do not have to be an owner/operator. We support a semi-absentee or owner/operator model. If you plan to be a semi-absentee owner, we recommend investing in a local operator to manage daily operations, which in turn will increase your time to cashflow positivity versus being an owner/operator.

Do I need a doctor for this concept?

No, you do not need a doctor. The only licensed members of your team will be your registered nurses. However, you will have access to our corporate medical director that will oversee all clinic operations to ensure compliance of state-specific medical guidelines and regulations.

How do I hire my team?

We have tools for your utilization and HR counseling.


How do we define our territories?

We utilize multiple analytical tools to provide data on population density, household income, household value and psychographic information.

Do you have lenders that we can work with?

Yes! We have SBA lenders we work with; our lenders will be looking for $100,000 in liquidity and $250,000 net worth.


Do you have multi-unit development opportunities?

Yes, we have multi-unit opportunities.

If you have any questions about Hydralive Therapy, please feel free to Contact Us.