Every exercise enthusiast knows the importance of hydration. Runners, cyclists, swimmers, jumpers, throwers, divers, lifters—they’re always prepared with a water bottle or sports drink for a boost of fluids and electrolytes an hour or two before an intense practice or competition.

When you hydrate with water and sports drinks, your digestive system doesn’t absorb all of the fluids and nutrients. Your stomach might even bloat.

On the other hand, IV hydration therapy, bypasses the stomach and sends the fluids and nutrients directly through your bloodstream so they absorb faster and more effectively that you need for your best performance. After your event, come back to decrease your recovery time and promote muscle recovery with our collagen producing sodium ascorbate IV.

Our Beast Mode IV Cocktail (Athlete Prep and Recovery) will:

  • Replenish vitamins, electrolytes, and fluid lost during strenuous workouts
  • Increase energy
  • Improve mental focus
  • Decrease incidents of muscle spasms
  • Boost immune system
  • Aid in the synthesis of collagen (found in tendons and ligaments)