September is here. Perhaps we’re all feeling a little rushed off our feet with the children back in school, and work and home life getting busier again after the warm, relaxed months of summer.

At Hydralive, we’re getting a lot of new clients who are coming to us for IV therapy treatments to fight off their `September blues’.

September is the month that marks the onset of SAD (seasonal affective disorder), a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons, and we’re administering vitamins, minerals and nutrients to increase energy, improve moods and quickly balance and replenish the system. (Check our locations if you want to try an IV therapy, by clicking HERE.)

But there are a number of other things you can do as well, as part of your Fall preparation regimen, to make the seasonal transition in September a little bit easier this year. Here are 10 of them:

# 1: Start Taking A Vitamin D Supplement

Sunlight is a vital source of Vitamin D which lifts our spirits and boosts our immune system. But once the weather starts cooling down, we spend more and more time indoors, which can result in a Vitamin D deficiency during Fall and Winter.

# 2: Get A Flu Vaccine

Get your flu shot before flu begins spreading in your community. After vaccination, it takes about two weeks for antibodies that protect against flu to develop in the body, so make plans to get vaccinated in the next couple of weeks, before the onset of Fall.

# 3: Guard Against Seasonal Allergies

With dropping temperatures and turning of leaves, an annual crop of autumn pollen sweeps across the country, activating Fall allergy symptoms among over 40 million Americans.

Take allergy precautions at this time. Wear facemasks when raking leaves. Don’t breathe in the leaf dust as they’re probably crawling with allergens. Close windows in your car to keep airborne pollen out and turn on the air-conditioner instead. Use an indoor humidifier to filter irritants and allergens from the air you breathe. Bathe your pets regularly, so they don’t carry in spores from the outdoor in their fur. Stop hanging your laundry out to dry in the yard. And so on.

# 4: Sleep In Complete Darkness

Sleep deprivation and insomnia are classic symptoms of seasonal affective disorder, so try to regularize your sleep. Make sure the bedroom is in complete darkness, because the smallest hint of illumination behind the eyelids can fool the body into thinking it is still daylight and decrease the production of melatonin (which peaks between 11 pm and 3 am). Without sufficient melatonin, the sleep pattern is disturbed, causing fatigue, anxiety, mood swings, lack of concentration and hormonal imbalance.

# 5: Choose Seasonal Foods To Eat

Fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables — like squash, beets, apples, onions, pumpkins, pears, figs etc. — offer a range of intense flavors and substantial textures. Take advantage of them.

# 6: Enjoy More Relaxing Baths

Balance the busyness of September by taking some time off to pamper yourself. While warm, relaxing baths are a wonderful way to do this, `spiritual baths’ are even more effective in calming anxieties and bringing balance to the mind and body. Read our article that explains all you need to know about spiritual baths by clicking HERE.

# 7: Clean Your Windows

This may sound like an odd suggestion, but clean windows are have a very positive impact on your state of mind. Once the barrier of accumulated dirt between you and the outside world is cleared, a brighter window will leave you feeling happier and more connected to your surroundings.

# 8: Switch Old Scented Candles For New Ones

Scented candles can instantly uplift mood, because our olfactory senses send messages of well-being to the brain, which in turn causes `happy hormones’ to flood our systems. But traditional scented candles often are made from paraffin, which contains the carcinogens toluene and benzene. Replace them with natural beeswax or soy candles, as they burn clean with no soot or smoke, and they are not carcinogenic.

# 9: Keep A Bullet Journal

Not everyone can write journals on a daily basis. But everybody can write `bullet journals’. A bullet journal is a daily organizational tool in which you write nothing but short bullet points about your schedule that you can quickly scan at any time. Seeing all your daily chores simplified in this way make them seem less burdensome. And there’s great relief in being able to tick them off once the chores are done!

# 10: Do A Meditative Activity

Instead of trying to force yourself to meditate while you’re emotionally all caught up in the September blues, do a meditative activity instead. Whatever gets you into the flow and keeps your mind relaxed and engaged is a meditative activity. It could be Etch-A-Sketching, embroidering, crafting, reading, baking, gardening, organizing your shoe closet… As long as you can focus completely on what you are doing and keep your anxieties on hold for an hour or two.

Good luck!