Similar to other essential vitamins and elements, Vitamin B12 is vital to your health and well-being. Its deficiency can make you feel tired and depressed, tremendously hurting your quality of life. The longer this deficiency persists, the more severe the consequences are. Thankfully, with the right therapy in Alabama

and Georgia, you can replenish vitamin B12 levels quickly and efficiently.
Let’s look closer at how long it takes to recover from vitamin B12 deficiency and how Hydralive Therapy ® can help you achieve it successfully.

What is Vitamin B12, and Why is it Important?

B12 is an essential vitamin that belongs to the vitamin B group. Its main purpose is to help your body make red blood cells. In addition, it also keeps your nerve cells healthy and assists with making DNA.

You can get B12 from animal foods, including milk, cheese, eggs, meat, and fish. This vitamin is also found in some fortified cereals and plant foods. A person who doesn’t get enough vitamin B12 from their diet can experience a deficiency.
Other reasons for vitamin B12 deficiency include:

  • Pernicious anemia – when your immune system attacks cells in the stomach that are responsible for B12 absorption.
  • Gastric surgeries – removal of parts of your stomach or intestine can interfere with vitamin B12 absorption.
  • Problems with intestines – Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, and tapeworms can prevent your body from absorbing vitamin B12 normally.

Depending on the underlying cause or health condition behind your deficiency, the medical team at Hydralive can design an effective course of treatment.

Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

How long it takes to recover from vitamin B12 deficiency may depend on the severity of your symptoms. If you have low vitamin B12 levels, you may feel:

  • Weakness and Fatigue – you feel weaker than usual and get tired quicker without an apparent reason.
  • Feeling Pins and Needles – numbness and tingling in your hands and feet could signal a neurological problem related to the lack of this important vitamin.
  • Shortness of Breath and Dizziness – when red blood cells don’t make enough oxygen, your organs and tissues feel depleted. As a result, you can have trouble catching your breath while experiencing dizziness.
  • Mobility Problems – you may have difficulty walking the way you usually do. This is associated with nerve function impairment.
  • Blurry Vision – you could find that you don’t see things as clearly as you used to. This can happen if the deficiency has affected the optic nerve.

How long to recover from vitamin B12 deficiency is a question you may have before considering options to help. The recovery time can vary depending on your situation. In most cases, symptoms can start going away within a few weeks.

What Happens if B12 Deficiency is Left Untreated?

When you don’t get enough vitamin B12 consistently, you could develop physical, neurological, and mental health problems. In many cases, vitamin B12 deficiency self-care doesn’t work, and you need a professional approach that includes IV therapy.

If you are experiencing the above symptoms, you need to seek medical assistance immediately. Early detection and treatment positively affect how long it takes to recover from B12 deficiency.

How to Balance Your B12 Deficiency

To balance your vitamin B12 deficiency, you need to replenish this vitamin in your body as soon as possible. To do that, you can take advantage of:

  • Vitamin injections – a quick injection of a healthy dose of vitamin B12 to ensure quick absorption
  • Vitamin IV therapy – continuous IV treatment to help your body replenish B12 stores gradually.

You may need a combination of several therapies together with changes to your lifestyle and diet.

Boost Your Health and Hydration with Hydralive Therapy

How long does it take for vitamin B12 to work? It depends on your dedication to treatment and some individual health characteristics. Hydralive Therapy can speed up your recovery and improve your quality of life sooner.

Schedule a consultation with our medical professionals today to learn more about B12 deficiency and your treatment options. We can help you design a personalized treatment program to achieve the boldest health and wellness goals.

Image Credits: Yeexin Richelle/Shutterstock