Are you interested in learning how cryotherapy can help you reach your weight loss goals? In this article, we’ll explore the potential benefits of cryotherapy for weight loss, how it works, and compare it to CoolSculpting. You’ll learn more here about us here at Hydralive Therapy® and what you need to consider when deciding whether or not cryotherapy is right for you.

At Hydralive Therapy, our team of medical professionals is dedicated to helping you reach your weight loss goals. We specialize in providing advanced cryotherapy treatments and services that can help you burn calories and achieve the desired shape. Our treatments offer the highest quality service and use the most advanced technology to ensure safe, effective, and long-lasting results.

What is Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy comes in two forms: whole-body and local treatments. Whole-body cryotherapy is done in a specialized chamber, where the air is rapidly cooled to below minus 100°F and directed toward the person’s body. This cold air causes the skin temperature to decrease for a few minutes, which leads to potential benefits for the body. Local cryotherapy is done by freezing fat cells with a cooling device to specific parts of the body and can help with weight management.

Whole-body cryotherapy works by reducing the skin temperature from a normal range of 91°F to as low as 32°F. The treatment generally lasts 2-4 minutes and has potential benefits for various medical conditions. It can also be used for weight loss and management due to its ability to activate thermogenesis, which boosts metabolism and helps burn calories faster.

Local cryotherapy is also known as fat freezing and is done using cooling devices to target specific body areas. The temperature range typically used is between negative 5°C and negative 10°C, and the treatment lasts 30 minutes. While there are no guarantees, many people have seen positive results regarding fat reduction with this method.

How Can Cryotherapy Help With Weight Loss? 

Cryotherapy can be used for weight management, as it has the potential to activate thermogenesis, boost metabolism and increase calorie burning. It is becoming increasingly popular as a way to help people reach their weight loss goals. Cryotherapy can help with weight loss and can be an effective addition to a healthy lifestyle. Cryotherapy can help boost metabolism and burn calories, making it an effective weight loss regimen.

What Are The Benefits of Cryotherapy for Weight Loss? 

Cryotherapy is a process of exposure to extremely cold temperatures for therapeutic effects. It is used for many health and wellness treatments, including weight loss. The effects of cryotherapy can last longer than other forms of weight loss treatments, such as diets or medications, making it an attractive option for those looking to maintain their desired weight.

In addition to aiding in weight loss, cryotherapy has also been known to improve sleep and reduce inflammation. Those undergoing cryotherapy can expect to feel more energized and alert afterward, as well as enjoy improved circulation. Cryotherapy is also beneficial for skin rejuvenation, joint pain relief, and muscle soreness relief.

At Hydralive Therapy, we offer whole body cryotherapy as part of our comprehensive suite of services. And we are committed to helping you achieve your goals and lead a healthier lifestyle with the help of cryotherapy.

Image Credit: dimid_86 / Shutterstock

How Does Cryotherapy Work?

Cryotherapy works by stimulating the body’s natural fat-burning processes and reducing inflammation, resulting in improved metabolism and increased energy levels. This process triggers a fight or flight response and causes your blood vessels to constrict and redirect blood away from your extremities and toward your core. Your body is then charged with oxygen and anti-inflammatory proteins, and excess white blood cells are flushed out, helping to boost your metabolic rate.

Whole-body cryotherapy involves exposing your body to ultra-cold temperatures in a cryosauna, a tube-like chamber cooled by liquid nitrogen. After exiting the cryosauna, your blood vessels dilate and rush oxygen-rich blood and endorphins back through your body, resulting in a metabolic reaction that can burn up to 800 calories in the hours proceeding treatment.

Side Effects to Consider 

Cryotherapy for weight loss can cause nerve damage, may have negative effects with long-term use, and can worsen complications for people with diabetes. It is important to follow recommended guidelines and speak with a healthcare professional before starting a long-term treatment plan. People with diabetes should also discuss the risks and benefits with a healthcare professional before deciding to undergo cryotherapy.

Cryotherapy Vs. CoolSculpting

Cryotherapy treatments can refer to any of the many different ways in which cold is used as a treatment for any physical ailments. Whole-body cryotherapy is a treatment that involves exposing the whole body to extremely cold temperatures in order to achieve certain health benefits. It can boost metabolism, tone the skin, promote weight loss, and treat chronic medical conditions. On the other hand, CoolSculpting is a procedure that only does one thing- that it reduces fat in specific areas of the body.

When considering which of the two is better for weight loss, it is important to note that whole-body cryotherapy can not only reduce fat but also strengthen the immune system, detoxify the body, and improve circulation. This means that whole-body cryotherapy treatments offer a comprehensive approach to weight loss by providing additional potential benefits.

Start Your Cryotherapy Weight Loss Journey Today with Hydralive Therapy 

If you are looking to shed some unwanted pounds, cryotherapy may be the right choice for you. We offer a range of cryotherapy services to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Learn more here about Hydralive Therapy today and see how cryotherapy can help you lose weight, reduce cellulite, and tighten your skin.

Potential benefits of cryotherapy for weight loss include improved circulation, reduced inflammation, and improved metabolism. Discover the benefits of cryotherapy and take control of your health today book now with us.

Featured Image Credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock